Hers what you got back in the day Free, when you walked into a main dealer and asked for a leaf-let,! these are u.k. they were different and varid around the world, i have one German one here but the spec is the same as u.k. its a u.k. brochure printed in german B' model , is gud Ya!,and one u.s. brochure on the K' model ,i have a u.k. one somewhere,! these were carefully collected over many,many years. you may download and copy these if you wish they will print up very well as they are scanned in at a very high resolution took ages to scan them all in.i certainly dont mind sharing them amoungst the membership here...just as long as i dont see anyone trying to flog them as prints on Flea-Bay,!
GT750 Sales Brochure Range J-B part one
GT750 Sales Brochure Range J-B part one
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Last edited by heathcliffe on Sat Feb 02, 2013 10:50 pm, edited 3 times in total.