Ow much? (bit gory, so be aware!!)

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Alan H
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Ow much? (bit gory, so be aware!!)

Post by Alan H »

Not Haar Much, but couldn't resist! :lol:

Nearly a fortnight ago, I had a little accident at work. A piece of channel iron about 10 feet long and about 9" x 4" slipped and landed on a finger.
Strangely (I thought at the time) it didn't hurt other than for a split second. So I bravely ran off and stuck the digit under cold water, then took my glove off to have a better look and though 'Bugger', that's not good - as you do.
Anyway, off to A&E in Goole, then Barnsley, then Sheffield over the next few days. Then on holiday for a week, getting back today and got to go back to the horspingtile again tomorrow. Strong antibiotics and painkillers don't make for a comfortable holiday either.

Now a word of warning for the faint hearted or folk that don't like gory pics - don't look past 1 and 2. They put the sling on to 'help keep the hand elevated'. It almost got as far as the car park on the way out......... I have better pics, but I thought the detail posted would be enough!

Anyway, the docs reckoned that the reason it didn't hurt was that the bit of finger with all the pain/touch receptors/transmitters/whatever, now not being connected to the rest of the digit, couldn't tell me that it hurt, so in that case, even though it might be in agony in a bin somewhere now. I care not.
So off to get it sorted tomorrow hopefully. Half the top joint to come off and make the skin cover the end again and take the nail off completely as it will cause problems on the future. Not as though I use that finger for anything other than - well - telling people what to do. So I might have a smiley face painted where the nail was when it all heals up.
I should be able to pull the clutch in again too.
finger 1.jpg
finger 2.jpg
finger 3.jpg
finger 4.jpg
finger 4.jpg (18.98 KiB) Viewed 1712 times
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Re: Ow much? (bit gory, so be aware!!)

Post by canaletto5 »

That's going to make your famous " I told you so" pointing a tad difficult in the future, Will you stop trying to post yourself bit by bit into the next world? Buy a coffin like the rest of us you tight Yorkshire git. :lol: :lol:
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Re: Ow much? (bit gory, so be aware!!)

Post by yeadon_m »

Bloody hell Alan. Oooowww!
Looks a bit like the end of my pinkie which was trapped between a Yam YDS7 brake lever and the wing of a car in 1978. Yes, we were moving *fast at the time. But yours is in a worse state. Mine's just a little misshaped but survived with an odd-looking nail.
Good luck,
*the pinkie was the least of my problems. Metal plate in wrist attests. Also, I'm still faintly fed up off about foolishly destroying a good YDS7.
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Re: Ow much? (bit gory, so be aware!!)

Post by MrCertifiable »

Looks perfectly normal
to me.
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Re: Ow much? (bit gory, so be aware!!)

Post by astrax »

Hi Alan
Hopefully healing ok since we spoke, then you can get a bit of time in the garage.
Take it easy
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Re: Ow much? (bit gory, so be aware!!)

Post by JOHNJENKS66 »

Alan sorry to hear about your mishap,,,hope you will still be able to lift a pint ( or three )when you come over.

But you really ought to fess up about how it happened :roll: :roll: really,are we expected to belive that story :?: :?: :?:

Tell the truth,,,you forgot how strong the spring on your wallet was,and it got caught when it snapped shut.!!!!!! :D :D
what the fuck was that ????

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Alan H
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Re: Ow much? (bit gory, so be aware!!)

Post by Alan H »

Lifting pint or three will be no problem.
I'll be able to empty it now that I'm off the friggin' antibiotics.

Your comment regarding my thriftiness is a slur on my financial integrity and we will be having words about that when you buy me the first pint, as I will be unable to get my wallet out with my poorly hand..............
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Re: Ow much? (bit gory, so be aware!!)

Post by johnakay »

get better soon Alan :o
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Re: Ow much? (bit gory, so be aware!!)

Post by andygt750m »

Speedy recovery to you Alan , maybe give you a bit of garage time once your a little better
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Alan H
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Re: Ow much? (bit gory, so be aware!!)

Post by Alan H »

I'm bored s***** tonight as there's no 'Bike Night' at the local bike shop where we usually go and take the wazz out of the modern bikes over a cup of coffee or 3 and some meat pie chips and gravy or something similar. (None of that furrin muck in Rotherham, despite the large ethnic populace hereabouts.)
Richard must be the same, but with the advantage that his garage hasn't as much 'stuff' in it so he can get in and do something, whereas I have to get at least one bike out so that I can work on something else, and it's raining so that idea's a non-starter.
Anyway, just to let you know how bored I am, I'm soaking my dud finger end to soften the hard skin before putting on a new bandage for the benefit of Mr. Jenks in lands overseas tomorrow.

With the help of my good friend, Mr. Alcohol.

What a lovely evening. :roll:

Grown back quick though I think after the cleanup hasn't it. If I'm not careful, I'll be losing the sympathy vote!!
Grown back quick.jpg
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